【Studio One 5完整版】Studio One 5完整版-Studio One 5 Soundsets Complete (2021)

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【Studio One 5完整版】Studio One 5完整版-Studio One 5 Soundsets Complete (2021)


PreSonus Studio One 5为艺术家,作曲家和制作人添加了大量很酷的功能 Great DAW变得更好了。PreSonus宣布了即将到来的DAW主要更新,PreSonus Studio One 5,以纪念其音乐录制软件10周年。根据开发人员的说法,第五版的流行程序”汇集了用户的需求和我们的创新意识”。

在程序的新功能中,有一些新功能对表演者,作曲家和制作人有用。例如,表演者将收到一个新的显示页面,作曲家将收到一个更新的乐谱编辑器。此外,Studio One 5中的所有库存插件都将获得一个全新的界面,旨在使与它们进行交互更容易,更高效。

该计划还将包括与MIDI时间码的同步,用于收听Listen Bus的特殊总线和新的AUX通道。开发人员承诺在混音器中为剪辑,按键开关铰接和扩展场景添加信封。

PreSonus Studio One 5 中的新增功能

新的 Show Page 表演者工作区结合了在单个窗口中播放曲目和使用虚拟乐器的功能。通道条、混音和虚拟乐器可以直接导出到显示页面。能够更改顺序和跳过文件的设置列表也将显示在此处。

Show Page将获得自己的全屏窗口,其中包含响应式界面和实时更改场景的控件。根据开发人员的说法,新模式下的现场布景将变得简单而灵活,无论您使用什么 – 使用背景音轨,效果器或虚拟乐器。

特别是对于作曲家和编曲家,开发人员在音乐编辑器中创建了一个新的乐谱视图。该模式重复 PreSonus 概念分数编辑器中的模式。乐谱视图可以在单独的窗口中工作,也可以在分屏模式下使用钢琴视图和鼓视图模式。这允许用户在一个轨道上使用乐谱视图,在另一个轨道上使用钢琴/鼓视图来独立编辑乐谱。Score View配备了基本的音乐符号。根据新闻稿,笔记可以手动,实时或以步骤记录模式输入。

在原生库存效果和插件方面,PreSonus Studio One 5将为所有治疗提供更新的界面。在外部,插件将变得更干净,并且还将收到浅色和深色主题,您可以在它们之间独立切换。此外,所有插件都将获得许多新功能。

例如,Studio One 5 中的动态效果会接收侧链输入。滤波器插件已经学会了在侧链输入端过滤信号,这样可以更好地控制侧链信号。驱动器处理现在有一个状态空间建模部分,用于自然模拟信号饱和。Equalizer Pro EQ接收了一个线性相位切割滤波器,一个用于显示信号信息的新选项,以及具有附加设置的输入和输出信号电平计。
特别是对于制片人来说,开发人员已经扩展了混音器中场景的功能。DAW 现在允许您随时保存所有混音器设置的快照,并且有几个选项可用于调用快照。例如,制片人可以从每个镜头中仅提取单个轨道的设置,并将其与项目中轨道的当前参数组合在一起。

此外,混音器中还出现了一个特殊的监听总线,允许您通过独立的输出通道监控信号。同一总线可用于A / B检查混音:用户可以在其上放置任何插件,而不必担心作曲声音的关键变化。


在第五版DAW中,AUX输入将能够接受外部音频源。因此,第三方真实乐器将在项目中没有单独通道的情况下工作,并且在DAW中与它们进行交互将类似于使用虚拟乐器。开发人员还注意到,Studio One 5将学习以64位WAV录制音频,将获得对MIDI MPE和MIDI Poly Pressure,MIDI时间码的全面支持。该程序将增加对硬件图形加速的跨平台支持。

以 Studio One 4 为例

  • 所有安装,kijens,补丁的启动都是代表管理员通过任何安装和激活完成的。没有任何地方和没有文件夹,从那里/哪里将在整个路径上进行安装,在整个地址,不应包含西里尔字符。此外,计算机名称和帐户必须为拉丁语。您必须在系统上具有管理员权限。
    安装程序后,运行。下一页: 将出现一个窗口,您只需要关闭它: 将出现另一个窗口,您可以在其中选择离线激活: 复制激活码

代表管理员运行 kijen,将激活码粘贴到”计算机 ID”字段中,单击”生成”并将生成的许可证文件保存在计算机上(例如,在桌面上)。
返回程序授权窗口并下载名为 Studio One 4 Professional 的许可证文件:然后可以删除所有许可证文件。该程序将通过防火墙阻止访问互联网(不仅仅是您的网站)。

从一个直观的应用程序中录制、制作、混音、母带和表演。 Studio One® 5 以易用性为核心设计,是您从工作室到舞台的创意伙伴。 Studio One 由可增强您的创造力而不妨碍您的工具驱动;我们开创了其拖放工作流程,该工作流程在其他地方继续被模仿。在其他 DAW 中需要五步的繁重任务通常只需要……一。一个流行的例子:您可以通过简单的拖放操作将 MIDI 转换为音频并返回。


•Big Fish 音频循环和套件
•Impact XT 套件和声音
•MVP 循环和套件
•Presence XT 核心原声吉他
•Presence XT 核心贝司
•Presence XT 核心黄铜
•Presence XT Core 电吉他
•Presence XT 核心键盘
•Presence XT 核心槌
•Presence XT 核心打击乐和人声
•Presence XT 核心琴弦
•Presence XT Core Winds
•Studio One 电钢琴和风琴
•Studio One 扩建
•Studio One FX
•Studio One 脉冲响应
•Studio One Instruments 卷。 1
•Studio One Instruments 卷。 2
•Studio One Musicloops
•Studio One 钢琴
•Ueberschall 冲击鼓
•Voodoo One 合成器



PreSonus Studio One 5 adds tons of cool features for artists, composers and producers Great DAW just got better. PreSonus has announced the upcoming major DAW update, PreSonus Studio One 5, to mark the 10th anniversary of its music recording software. According to the developers, the fifth version of the popular program “brings together the needs of users and our sense of innovation.”

Among the new features of the program, there are new functions that will be useful to performers, composers and producers. For example, performers will receive a new Show Page, and composers will receive an updated Score Editor. In addition, all stock plugins in Studio One 5 will receive a completely new interface designed to make interacting with them easier and more efficient.

It will not do without new treatments and effects.
The program will also include synchronization with MIDI timecodes, a special bus for listening to the Listen Bus and new AUX channels. The developers promise to add envelopes for clips, Keyswitch articulations and extended scenes in the mixer.

What’s new in PreSonus Studio One 5

The new Show Page performers workspace combines the ability to play back tracks and work with virtual instruments in a single window. Channel Strips, mixdowns and virtual instruments can be exported directly to the Show Page. Setlists with the ability to change the order and skip files will also appear here.
Show Page will get its own full-screen window with a responsive interface and controls that change the scene in real time. According to the developers, live sets in the new mode will become simple and flexible, regardless of what you are working with – with backing tracks, effects or virtual instruments.

Especially for composers and arrangers, the developers have created a new Score View in the music editor. The mode repeats the one in the PreSonus Notion score editor. Score View can work in a separate window or in split screen mode with Piano View and Drum View modes. This allows users to use Score View on one track and Piano / Drum View on another to independently edit the score. Score View is equipped with basic musical symbols. According to the press release, notes can be entered manually, in real time or in step recording mode.

In terms of native stock effects and plugins, PreSonus Studio One 5 will offer an updated interface for all treatments. Externally, the plugins will become cleaner, and will also receive a light and dark theme, which you can switch between independently. In addition, all plugins will acquire a number of new features.

So, for example, dynamic effects in Studio One 5 received sidechain inputs. Filter plugins have learned to filter the signal at the sidechain inputs, which gives more control over the sidechain signal. Drive treatments now have a State Space Modeled section for natural analog signal saturation. Equalizer Pro EQ received a linear-phase cut filter, a new option for displaying signal information, as well as input and output signal level meters with additional settings.
Especially for producers, the developers have expanded the functionality of the scenes in the mixer. The DAW now allows you to save snapshots of all mixer settings at any time, and there are several options for recalling snapshots. For example, producers can pull the settings of only individual tracks from each shot, and combine them with the current parameters of the tracks in the project.

Also, a special Listen Bus appeared in the mixer, allowing you to monitor the signal through an independent output channel. The same bus can be used for A / B-checking the mix: users can place any plug-ins on it without worrying about critical changes in the sound of the composition.

Other interesting innovations include the Clip Gain Envelopes function, which provides an additional layer of gain control for the audio clip. According to the developers, the function is useful for correcting too loud or weak sections of audio files without using dynamic processors.

In the fifth version of DAW, the AUX inputs will be able to accept external audio sources. Thanks to this, third-party real instruments will work without a separate channel in the project, and interacting with them in DAW will resemble working with virtual instruments. The developers also note that Studio One 5 will learn to record audio in 64-bit WAV, will receive full support for MIDI MPE and MIDI Poly Pressure, MIDI timecodes. The program will add cross-platform support for hardware graphics acceleration.

On the example of Studio One 4

  • All launches of installations, kijens, patches are done on behalf of the administrator with any installation and activation. Nowhere and no folders from where / where the installation will be carried out along the entire path, at the entire address, should not contain Cyrillic characters. Also, the computer name and account must be in Latin. You must be on the system with administrator rights.
    It is not necessary to uninstall the previous version.
    After installing the program, run. Next: A window will appear, which you just need to close: Another window will appear in which you can select offline activation: Copy Activation Code

Run kijen on behalf of the administrator, paste the Activation Code into the Machine ID field, click on Generate and save the generated license files on your computer (for example, on your desktop).
Return to the program authorization window and download the license file called Studio One 4 Professional: And then all license files can be deleted. The program will block access to the Internet (not only to your website) through a firewall.

Record, produce, mix, master, and perform all from a single, intuitive application. Designed with ease of use at its core, Studio One® 5 is your creative partner from studio to stage. Studio One is driven by tools that enhance your creativity without getting in the way; we pioneered its drag-and-drop workflow that continues to be imitated elsewhere. Laborious tasks that take five steps in other DAWs usually only take… One. A popular example: you can convert MIDI to audio and back with a simple drag-and-drop.


•Acoustic Drum Kits & Loops
•Big Fish Audio Loops and Kits
•Electronic Audioloops
•Electronic Kits and Musicloops
•Impact XT Kits and Sounds
•MVP Loops and Kits
•Nine Volt Audio Guitars
•Presence XT Core Acoustic Guitars
•Presence XT Core Basses
•Presence XT Core Brass
•Presence XT Core Electric Guitars
•Presence XT Core Keyboards
•Presence XT Core Mallets
•Presence XT Core Percussion and Vocals
•Presence XT Core Strings
•Presence XT Core Winds
•Prime Selection Loops and Sounds
•Sample Magic Loops and Kits
•Studio One Electric Pianos and Organs
•Studio One Expansion
•Studio One FX
•Studio One Impulse Responses
•Studio One Instruments Vol. 1
•Studio One Instruments Vol. 2
•Studio One Musicloops
•Studio One Piano
•Synth Session
•Ueberschall Impact Drums
•Vengeance Sound
•Vintage Keys
•Voodoo One Synth

This package is installed for free, directly from the program in those who have a legit license.



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