终极音频插件工具包-Boris FX CrumplePop Complete 2024.0.3 WIN VST VST3 AAX

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         大家好,这里是颖睿甄选音频网www.vstvip.com),我是小编佳明,本期和大家分享的是一款新的插件,Boris FX CrumplePop Complete 2024.0.3 WIN VST VST3 AAX

 Boris FX CrumplePop Complete 2024.0.3 WIN

终极音频插件工具包-Boris FX CrumplePop Complete 2024.0.3 WIN VST VST3 AAX

File size: 556.9 MB

Boris FX CrumplePop 是终极音频插件工具包。 利用尖端的人工智能技术让您的音频听起来绝对最佳。 解决背景噪音回声交通等常见音频问题以及增强语音质量以获得专业效果从未如此简单。 如果您是初学者,CrumplePop 音频工具使用起来非常简单,而且功能强大,足以满足音频专业人士的日常需求。

爆裂的“p”和“b”声音是播客和画外音中的常见问题。 当一阵空气(例如演员的呼吸)撞击麦克风时,就会出现这些爆破声。 PopRemover 智能地瞄准并仅消除有问题的爆破噪音,使声音保持完整。

翻领麦克风的沙沙噪音是一个日常问题。 如果扬声器移动或擦过麦克风,您经常会听到这种声音。 RustleRemover 智能地定位并仅消除领夹麦克风的沙沙噪音,保持声音完好无损。

所有 CrumplePop 音频工具都集中在一个适用于 Mac 和 Windows 的简单桌面应用程序中
回声、风扇噪音、麦克风碰撞声、电嗡嗡声。 甚至风声。 SoundApp 可在几秒钟内消除问题噪音。
音频的某些部分是否太安静,而另一些部分则太大声? SoundApp 为您设置所有级别。 只需放入您的视频或播客,调整一些简单的控件即可完成。

混响会分散演讲者的注意力,并在演讲者和听众之间造成距离。 如果您的音频是在有室内回声的空间中录制的,则可能会使您的整个视频或播客听起来不专业。 CrumplePop 的 EchoRemover 可自动消除音频中的室内回声,使声音听起来清晰自然。

AudioDenoise 允许您消除其他插件无法解决的噪音。 复杂的噪音——就像空调发出 60 周期的嗡嗡声——就消失了。 得益于我们全新的人工智能,声音听起来清晰自然。

在户外录制采访、播客或视频博客可能会带来一些挑战,例如可怕的交通噪音。 即使您在室内录制音频,打开的窗户发出的交通噪音也会增加分散注意力的背景噪音水平。 TrafficRemover 可以智能识别并消除汽车、公共汽车和卡车交通噪音。

风噪声是一个臭名昭著的问题。 每当您在户外拍摄视频或录制音频时(即使您使用的是安装在麦克风上的物理防风罩),少量的风也会毁掉您的音频。 WindRemover 智能地仅瞄准并消除风噪声,保持声音完好无损。


Boris FX CrumplePop is the ultimate audio plugin toolkit. Make your audio sound its absolute best with cutting-edge AI technology. It’s never been easier to take on common audio problems such as background noise, echo, traffic, wind, and more, as well as enhance voice quality for a professional finish. CrumplePop audio tools are simple to use if you’re a beginner and also powerful enough to meet the daily demands of audio professionals.

Plugin for removing plosive sounds from your videos and podcasts
Popping “p” and “b” sounds are common problems in podcasts and voiceovers. These plosive noises occur when a blast of air, such as your talent’s breath, hits the microphone. PopRemover intelligently targets and removes only the problematic plosive noise, leaving the voice intact.

Automatically remove rustle noise from lapel mics
Lapel microphone rustle noise is an everyday issue. It’s something you c?onstantly hear with collar mics if the speaker moves or brushes against the microphone. RustleRemover intelligently targets and removes only lav mic rustle noise, leaving the voice intact.

All CrumplePop audio tools in one simple desktop app for Mac and Windows
Echo, fan noise, mic bumps, electrical hum. Even wind noise. SoundApp removes problem noise in seconds.
Are some parts of your audio too quiet, while others are too loud? SoundApp sets all your levels for you. Just drop in your video or podcast, adjust some simple controls, and you’re done.

Plugin for removing echo and reverb from your videos and podcasts
Reverb is distracting and creates distance between the speaker and the audience. If your audio is recorded in a space with room echo, it can make your entire video or podcast sound unprofessional. EchoRemover by CrumplePop automatically removes room echo from your audio, leaving voices sounding clear and natural.

Automatically remove hiss, background noise, and hum from your audio
AudioDenoise allows you to remove noise that would be impossible to tackle with other plugins. Complex noise – like an air conditioner with 60-cycle hum – just melts away. And thanks to our brand-new AI, voices are left sounding clear and natural.

Plugin for removing car traffic noise from videos and podcasts
Recording your interview, podcast, or vlog outside can present challenges like dreaded traffic noise. Even when you record audio inside, traffic noise from an open window can add distracting background noise levels. TrafficRemover intelligently identifies and removes car, bus, and truck traffic noise.

Automatically remove wind noise
Wind noise is a notorious problem. Any time you shoot video or record audio outdoors – even if you’re using a physical windscreen mounted on the mic – a small amount of wind can ruin your audio. WindRemover intelligently targets and removes only wind noise, leaving the voice intact.


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文章名称:《Boris FX CrumplePop Complete 2024.0.3 WIN VST VST3 AAX
文章链接:https://www.vstvip.com 颖睿甄选音频网(vstvip.com)

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