动态处理器 – Plugin Alliance bx_clipper v1.0.1 WIN VST VST3 AAX

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         大家好,这里是颖睿甄选音频网www.vstvip.com),我是小编佳明,本期和大家分享的是一款新的插件,动态处理器Plugin Alliance bx_clipper v1.0.1 WIN VST VST3 AAX

Plugin Alliance bx_clipper v1.0.1 WIN


动态处理器 – Plugin Alliance bx_clipper v1.0.1 WIN VST VST3 AAXBUBBiX | 12 May 2024 | 28 MB

终极削波解决方案 – 易于使用且音质无与伦比
Brainworx bx_clipper 会截断高于设定阈值水平(上限)的波形峰值。 它允许您创建播放更响亮的混音,而无需提高其峰值电平。 与限制器不同,bx_clipper 增加响度,同时避免压扁泵浦效果。

将 bx_clipper 应用到母带处理链的末端(限制器之前或之后)将帮助您创建现代且清晰的混音,感觉与竞争对手一样密集和响亮。 bx_clipper 会拾取限制器停止的位置,并弥合大声和超大声之间的差距。

bx_clipper 中的剪辑引擎提供两种操作模式。 FET 模式提供平滑自然的声音,而二极管模式提供尖锐的失真。 与 bx_clipper 的天花板和拐点控件相结合,FET 模式和二极管模式允许您从一系列软削波到硬削波效果中进行选择。

bx_clipper 的自动上限功能会分析音频信号中的峰值并自动设置插件的上限级别。 上限设置的级别将最大化感知响度,同时避免不必要的失真。 因此,bx_clipper 允许您创建极其响亮的母带,而不会破坏您的混音。

bx_clipper 提供的自动修剪功能可分析输入信号和处理信号之间的 RMS 差异。 自动修剪会自动调整 bx_clipper 的输出电平,并让您进行等响度比较。 它可以帮助您抑制乐器组中出现的与求和相关的峰值,而不会导致混音失衡。

与其他 Brainworx 产品类似,bx_clipper 具有双单声道和 M/S 操作模式,可增强立体声控制。 处理不对称混音时,您可以对左右通道应用不同的剪切效果。 通过在立体声图像两侧使用激进的二极管模式和在中央使用较柔和的 FET 模式,创建清晰的响亮母带。

通过将模拟建模电路与数字设计相结合,bx_clipper 实现了两全其美。 Ambience 等纯数字功能可让您试听剪辑中丢失的信息并制作独特的创意效果。 另一个纯数字亮点是 Wet 旋钮,它可以延伸超过 100% 以提供过度折迭失真,让您可以为底鼓和军鼓注入 80 年代和 90 年代鼓合成器的特色风味。

来自 nfo
(64 位:VST3、VST2、AAX)

1a). 安装.exe,并替换为已修补的文件。
1b). 如果您安装了以前的版本,只需将修补后的文件拖放到旧版本上即可

v.1.0.1 似乎是由 P.A“发布”:2024-05-02。
再次,P.A 忘记更新变更日志,像往常一样马虎……自己检查一下 =)

macOS 14 降至 macOS 11


The ultimate clipping solution – ease of use meets uncompromised sound quality
Competitively loud and crystal clear masters
The Brainworx bx_clipper truncates the peaks of waveforms above a set threshold level (Ceiling). It allows you to create mixes that playback louder without increasing their peak level. Unlike a limiter, bx_clipper increases loudness while avoiding squashed pumping effects.

Your limiter’s new best friend
Applying bx_clipper to the end of your mastering chain — before or after your limiter — will help you create modern and crystal-clear mixes that feel as dense and loud as the competition. bx_clipper picks up where your limiter leaves off and bridges the gap between loud and ultra-loud.

Choose from smooth to edgy clipping effects
The clipping engine found within bx_clipper offers two modes of operation. FET mode provides a smooth and natural sound, while Diode mode delivers edgy distortion. Combined with bx_clipper’s Ceiling and Knee controls, FET mode and Diode mode allow you to choose from a spectrum of soft clipping to hard clipping effects.

Maximize loudness while avoiding distortion
bx_clipper’s Auto Ceiling feature analyzes the peaks in your audio signal and automatically sets the plugin’s Ceiling level. The level at which the Ceiling is set will maximize perceived loudness while avoiding unwanted distortion. As a result, bx_clipper allows you to create extremely loud masters without destroying your mix.

Avoid loudness bias with equal-loudness comparisons
The Auto Trim feature provided by bx_clipper analyzes the RMS difference between the input and processed signals. Auto Trim automatically adjusts bx_clipper’s output level and lets you conduct equal-loudness comparisons. It helps you tame summing-related peaks that occur in instrument groups without unbalancing your mix.

Clip the mids and sides of your mixes independently
Similar to other Brainworx products, bx_clipper features dual-mono and M/S operation modes for enhanced stereo control. You can apply varying clipping effects to the left and right channels when working with an unsymmetrical mix. Create loud masters with clarity by using the aggressive Diode mode on the sides and the softer FET mode on the center of your stereo image.

Analog warmth and digital-only features
By combining analog-modeled circuits with a digital design, bx_clipper delivers the best of both worlds. Digital-only features like Ambience allow you to audition the information lost from clipping and craft unique creative effects. Another digital-only highlight is the Wet knob, which extends beyond 100% to deliver over-fold distortion, allowing you to infuse kicks and snares with the characteristic flavor of drum synthesizers from the 80s and 90s.

From nfo
(64-bit: VST3, VST2, AAX)

1a). Install .exe, & replace with patched files.
1b). If you have a previous version installed, just Drag’n’drop the patched files over old ones

Whats new in this version
v.1.0.1 seems was “released” by P.A: 2024-05-02.
Again, P.A forgot to update changelog, sloppy as usual…check it yourself =)

System Requirements
macOS 14 down to macOS 11


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文章名称:《动态处理器 – Plugin Alliance bx_clipper v1.0.1 WIN VST VST3 AAX》
文章链接:https://www.vstvip.com 颖睿甄选音频网(vstvip.com)

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