Acustica Audio Mystic 2023 WIN VST VST3 AAX

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         大家好,这里是颖睿甄选音频网,我是小编佳明,本期和大家分享的是一款新的插件,Acustica Audio Mystic 2023 WIN VST VST3 AAX

 Acustica Audio Mystic 2023 WIN

Acustica Audio Mystic 2023 WIN VST VST3 AAX

File size: 324 MB

Mystic 是一款基于我们先进的 Hyper 3 技术构建的全电子管通道条,提供 VST、VST3、AAX 和 AU 格式。 它的灵感来自著名的美国手工制作控制台,将复古美学与现代技术无缝融合。

Mystic 旨在通过提供一种易于使用的工具来解决根本性挑战,该工具在 CPU 上超轻,在一个产品中包含许多基本组件,为您的曲目注入活力。 该插件的主要重点是赋予色彩和临场感,提供以前只能在拥有大量高端硬件的顶级工作室中才能实现的色调效果 – 所有这些都在一个插件中! 借助 Mystic,您只需点击几下即可轻松塑造您的曲目,使其圆润、充满活力、饱满且具有音乐性。 没有任何乐器、声乐或录音不能从 Mystic 的魔力中受益。 在您的 Mix Buss 上尝试一下,您不会后悔的。 其令人难以置信的灵活性,一旦应用,就变得不可替代!

Mystic 由三个极其精简但具有影响力的部分组成。 带有高通和低通滤波器的纯真空管预/饱和器模块、易于使用的 Baxandall 型 EQ 部分,最后是“Frankenstein”光学限制器部分,与原始模块相比,通过添加额外的控件以提供更好的效果,大大改进了 多功能性。

Mystic EQ 部分:丝滑的形状控制
为什么我们为 Mystic 选择 Baxandall EQ?
Mystic 是一款多功能工具,非常适合跟踪、混音和母带音乐,但我们认为它作为 Mix 和 Master Bus 的处理器发挥了最佳作用,因此对于这一部分来说,还有什么比 Hyper EQ 更好的选择呢? 直观,为您的混音增添光彩和清脆的空气感,而不刺耳,并通过低-高平滑、自然、平缓的倾斜搁架过滤器实现肥厚、无泥的低音端。 这些均衡器曲线提供了宽带宽和最小的相位失真,可实现大幅增强和削减,而不会产生不必要的伪影,例如切黄油。 该工具并非专为激进的声音雕刻而设计,但它擅长通过微妙且不引人注目的甜味来增强音源。 事实上,在某些情况下,您可能几乎没有注意到它正在参与,我们以非常积极的方式表达这一点! 这是我们对 Peter Baxandall 的无价遗产的敬意,他自 20 世纪 50 年代以来卓越的音调控制创新已经优雅地增强了全球无数的高保真系统。


Mystic is an All-Tube Channel Strip built on our advanced Hyper 3 technology, available in VST, VST3, AAX and AU formats. It is inspired by a prestigious American Hand-built console, blending vintage aesthetics and modern technology seamlessly.

Embrace the Mystic Vibe
Mystic aims to address a fundamental challenge by providing an easy to-use tool, super light on CPU that encompasses many essential components in one product, to breathe life into your tracks. The plugin’s main focus is to impart color and presence, delivering tonal results previously achievable only in top-tier studios with extensive high-end hardware – all within a single plugin! With Mystic, you can effortlessly shape your tracks, making them round, vibrant, full, and musical with just a few clicks. There’s no instrument, vocal, or recording that wouldn’t benefit from the magic of Mystic. Try it on your Mix Buss, and you won’t regret it. Its incredible flexibility, once applied, becomes irreplaceable!

What you get
Mystic consists of three incredibly streamlined yet impactful sections. A Pure vacuum tube Pre/saturator Module with High and Low Pass filters, an easy-to-use Baxandall type EQ section, and finally, a ‘Frankenstein’ optical limiter section greatly improved compared to the original module by adding extra controls to provide greater versatility.

Mystic EQ section: A Silky-Smooth shape control
Why did we choose a Baxandall EQ for Mystic?
Mystic is a versatile tool, perfect for tracking, mixing, and mastering music, but in our opinion it gives its best as a processor for the Mix and Master Buss, and so what better choices for this section than a Hyper EQ, which is extremely intuitive, adding brilliance and crisp airiness to your mixes without harshness, and achieves a fat, mud-free low end thanks to the low-high smooth, natural, gentle slope shelving filters. These EQ curves offer a wide bandwidth and minimal phase distortion, enabling drastic boosts and cuts without unwanted artifacts, like slicing through butter. This tool isn’t designed for radical sound sculpting, but it excels in enhancing sources with subtle and unobtrusive sweetening. In fact, there are instances where you might hardly notice it’s engaged at all, and we mean this in an extremely positive manner! This is our homage to the priceless legacy of Peter Baxandall, whose exceptional tone control innovation from the 1950s has gracefully enhanced countless hi-fi systems worldwide.
Mystic Pre section: ‘Timeless Contemporary, from Vintage Charm to Modern Glory’

Whats New
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.


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